Never Worry About Getting Dementia

Understand your risk factors and learn how to holistically prevent dementia at any age with the world's leading Dementia Prevention Coach


You can confidently navigate dementia prevention at any age

With this self-paced course from the world's leading Dementia Prevention Coach, we’ve got the resources you need to optimize your brain and body health.

Your brain health journey begins now

This online course will show you step-by-step how to strengthen your brain function so everyday life becomes easier and more FUN!

No more worrying about being a burden

With this course, you’ll learn how to:

  • Take excellent care of your brain, body, and mental health now while preventing dementia
  • Reverse brain aging naturally no matter your current age
  • Take charge of your mental and neurological health
  • Teach your kids and grandkids how to prevent dementia, too!

Dementia Types

Dementia is visible in the brain 20 years before symptoms appear. By understanding your brain health and specific biomarkers for dementia prevention now, you can heal your own brain while educating your kids and grandkids to do the same.

The brain is soft and housed in a bony skull with sharp ridges. It's easy to hurt your brain and develop dementia.

  • the Brain Health 101 class every school (including medical school) needs to be teaching
  • a deep dive into the many dementia and Alzheimer's types
  • case studies of clients ages 45-88 who reversed their dementia diagnoses using these holisitic protocols

Blood Flow Issues

Blood flow is the #1 predictor of dementia. Many dementia symptoms overlap with chronic underlining health issues that 95% of doctors aren't testing for.

  • Learn easy, fun ways to boost blood flow to the brain and body to boost resilience
  • Understanding proper brain, skull and airway health for dementia prevention
  • Reevaluating insomnia and sleep apnea in society and dementia risks
  • The healing power of natural solutions to reverse your brain's age

Getting To The Root Causes

Having a history of multiple strep throats, vitamin deficiencies, sleep issues, toxic exposure, and past concussions are just a few of the many root causes of dementia. This module includes:

  • All risk factors including biological, psychological, environmental, energetic, social, and spiritual aspects
  • The true cost of dementia: inpatient treatment, legal issues, car accidents, and impulsive spending sprees
  • Tips on boosting communication and connection with your loved ones

Genes & Nutrition

Learn why genetics is a tiny risk factor for dementia. By optimizing your vitamins, minerals, and nutrition, you can significantly reduce your dementia risks.

  • Grocery lists including easy switches for sugar, pasta, and bread
  • The REAL labs your doctor needs to be running to assess your health
  • Not-so-typical caregiver support and End Of Life guidance from an ordained minister and Dementia Prevention Coach

Meet your instructor,
Fallon Jordan

Fallon is the world's leading dementia prevention coach. She is a healer of families and companies by helping clients' implement the brain health methodologies she teaches in this course.

Fallon has over 12 years of training & mentorship with the world's top neurologists, naturopaths, and neuropsychiatrists. She has helped thousands of people improve their focus, retention, and memory.

Fallon lost someone dear to her to Alzheimer's disease when she was a teenager. It was then she swore she'd find a way to make sure others didn't have to suffer that pain. She has helped thousands of people prevent dementia and over 200 people reverse their dementia diagnoses despite other providers saying "there was nothing else they could do."

Fallon healed her own dementia risk symptoms at age 28 and is committed to having the healthiest brain ever as she ages.

Fallon helps her clients connect to the best version of themselves by improving their communication, cognition, confidence, and compassion. She loves helping people reverse their brain's age so they can live healthily and happily well over the age of 110 years old.

Her mission? To create a world where dementia, cancer, autism, and autoimmune disorders are very rare diagnoses.


The Dementia & Alzheimer's Prevention Course

This self-paced course will help you evaluate your biological, environmental, genetic, social, and mental health so you can holistically heal from all your risk factors.




  • Understand the root causes of memory issues and dementia, receive easy ways to prevent and alleviate memory loss at any age
  • Master your mental, emotional, psychological, environmental, spiritual, and social health
  • Science-backed reasons why dementia prevention starts decades before you think
  • Reverse your brain's age and spread the wisdom throughout your family to assure future generations never suffer from memory loss
  • The Brain Health 101 class every school (including medical school) needs to be teaching
  • A deep dive into the multiple types of dementia and Alzheimer's Disease
  • Brain Health In Relationships guidebook and worksheets
  • Case studies of adults aged 45-88 who reversed their dementia risks with these holistic protocols
  • 112 downloadable slides
  • Gain new tools and strategies to rewire your brain for optimal focus, motivation, memory, and mental wellness
  • Nutrition guides including a brain healthy grocery list




  • Understand the root causes of memory issues and dementia, receive easy ways to prevent and alleviate memory loss at any age
  • Master your mental, emotional, psychological, environmental, spiritual, and social health
  • Science-backed reasons why dementia prevention starts decades before you think
  • Reverse your brain's age and spread the wisdom throughout your family to assure future generations never suffer from memory loss
  • The Brain Health 101 class every school (including medical school) needs to be teaching
  • A deep dive into the multiple types of dementia and Alzheimer's Disease
  • Brain Health In Relationships guidebook and worksheets
  • Case studies of adults aged 45-88 who reversed their dementia risks with these holistic protocols
  • 112 downloadable slides
  • Gain new tools and strategies to rewire your brain for optimal focus, motivation, memory, and mental wellness
  • Nutrition guides including a brain healthy grocery list