learn how to prevent dementia with the world's leading Dementia Prevention & Brain Coach

Dementia is ALWAYS preventable and reversible in most cases. Take the assessment to learn your risk!

Dementia Risk Assessment

Immediate Healing session


Receive immediate intuitive guidance and healing for aches, pains, or stuck points with love, health, business, or money

  • Within 24 hours, receive intuitive guidance and energy healing for your current issue
  • Gain clarity on 3 specific questions you need clarity with 
  • Energy healing for aches, pains, fatigue, headaches, pins/needles, digestive issues, and more
  • Healing for humans, pets, or spaces
  • Vibrational frequency upgrades to your physical, emotional, and spiritual health from the fairies
  • Audio message reading, photos of your Oracle card pull, and email write-up
Access here

Intuitive Coaching & Healing session


a LIVE coaching experience with Fallon to address your desires around health, work, wealth, soul purpose, relationships, and more!

  • 2 hours LIVE with Fallon to receive a complete outline for your soul-aligned life including work, health, relationships, love, and finances

  • Rapid transformational coaching using the fail-proof F.A.L.L.O.N. method
  • LIVE 1:1 energy healing session via Zoom
  • Experience relief from physical pain or health ailments 

  • Takeaway toolbox with strategies to reprogram your subconscious mind forever so you can manifest quicker 

  • Upgrades to your daily routine & self-care practices by learning practical solutions to instantly boost your energy, mood, and memory

Access here

Dementia Prevention Consult


a complete health evaluation with the world's leading Holistic Health Coach to address your most pressing health issues

  • Total Health Evaluation includes addressing all areas of health: physical, emotional, spiritual, energetic, cognitive, environmental, and mental

  • 90-minute LIVE Zoom meeting with Fallon including Brain Health & Dementia Risk Evaluation 

  • Obtain new tools and skills for overcoming stress and anxiety in everyday life

  • Holistic health coaching in all areas of health, leaving no rock unturned

Access here

"Fallon led me through the most beautiful healing container during a time when I felt completely unsettled.  I immediately felt her healing energy on our first call which brought me to a place of peace.  She makes you feel completely supported and loved in the biggest way!  She is an amazing and gifted healer!"


"Fallon is fantastic! She goes above and beyond. I am so grateful for her expertise. Fallon helped me heal my brain and then start my own business. Now I get to help thousands of people heal with the protocols she taught me. Her mentorship will continue to carry me forward to a bright future."


"I had never done Reiki before meeting Fallon. After years of feeling unmotivated, achy, stuck, and lonely, Fallon helped me transform into an energetic, confident, and hopeful person. Her healing abilities have supported me in every area of my life including my roofing business taking off! I am so grateful I was open to this type of healing. It is truly life-changing!"


"I've had new spiritual gifts turn on since my healing session with Fallon. I'm offering new modalities to my clients that I didn't even know previously existed!"


"The healing Fallon provides is QUICK! I now write with ease and everything comes in so clearly when I'm listening to podcasts and webinars. It's truly amazing!"


"My coaching session with Fallon brought me so much joy! She highlighted so many patterns that I can build on through her intuitive insights and my Human Design blueprint. I am excited for our next session!"

–Dr. Davis

"Fallon cleared energy in ways I've never experienced. She provided immediate relief from pain in my forehead and sinuses. It's exciting! I love being able to reach out to her for some extra healing and positive energy when I'm feeling stressed. Thank you, Fallon!"


join the LIVE Dementia Prevention Program with like-minded leaders starting 11/11

Register here

Meet Fallon

"Authentic, passionate, energetic, loving, spirited, and ambitious", Fallon is the world's leading Certified Brain Health Coach. She is a transformational coach, podcast host, and motivational speaker.

Fallon has helped over 15,000 people feel happier and aligned with their soul purpose through coaching, leadership training, and speaking. She embodies a unique blend of 3D medical training with the quantum field in her protocols. Prior to starting her business and building her stellar toolbox, she worked in holistic psychiatry, hospitality, and sales/marketing. She has a Bachelor's in Psychology and several certifications in mental health coaching including two brain rewiring certifications.

Fallon was her own toughest client, knowing the pain of trying so many different things to heal while remaining stuck. Fallon always provides her clients with the safest, easiest tools and modalities to provide rapid transformation. Fallon's work is supported by the fairies, Brigid, Bast, and the elementals.

Her mission? To co-create a time-space reality where dementia, cancer, autism, and autoimmune disorders are extremely rare diagnoses

read the full bio here

the F.A.L.L.O.N. method of transformation

a comprehensive guide to co-creating the home, life & business of your dreams as a New Earth leader