Heal From Mental Health Issues Naturally With The Quantum Brain Health Masterclass™


Tired of not feeling your best?

If you have tried "everything" to feel better and nothing has "worked", you are not alone.

99% of people are walking around with hurt brains and a low energetic frequency.

With depression, anxiety, and dementia on the rise, we need to do things differently to receive different results. REAL, lasting change starts with rewiring your brain and upgrading your vibrational frequency.

The Quantum Brain Health Masterclass will help you do just that. With interactive lessons for your mind, body, and soul, you'll learn how to disconnect from the collective consciousness of fear and anguish, and connect to your truth and highest timeline.

Because you are so worth it!

Start your healing journey today!

Join here



  • 3.5 hour masterclass with Fallon Jordan, the world's leading Certified Brain Health Coach and Founder of Quantum Brain Health Coaching™.
  • Lifetime access to the class and 100+ PPT slides
  • Access the Holistic Mental Health Toolbox so you can talk to anyone about safe, non-invasive options for overcoming mental health issues
  • Learn how to safely and legally talk to your clients about getting off medication
  • Master walking your clients through difficult conversations such as how estrogen prevents cancer, not causes it
  • A fast-track approach to receiving answers you haven't heard before regarding the future of brain health coaching 
  • Why you need to rethink brain health as dementia prevention AND cancer prevention
  • Feel confident selling and marketing yourself to your ideal client 
  • Acquire new skills as a health coach that you can monetize
  • Understand your own brain better so you can use your story and uniqueness to gain clients and visibility

It’s Time To Raise Your Vibe To The Miracle Frequency

With one-on-one guidance from the world's leading Quantum Brain Health Coach, you've found the best place to fill up your toolbox and heal at a cellular level



Yes! I'm in!


Learn how to disconnect from the noise around you and connect with your Higher Self. We'll teach you how to:

  • Clear your mind of stress and raise your energetic frequency in less than 30 seconds
  • Evaluate your brain health in ways your doctor isn't telling you or your clients
  • Learn how to confidently discuss supplements, pharmaceuticals, and nutritional recommendations
  • Prevent and treat dementia and cancer
  • Access the Holistic Mental Health Toolbox that will change your life and future generations
  • Bring your inner child with you as you co-create the reality of your dreams
  • Build or grow your business based on these principles. If you are here, you are a born leader and healer!


The Brain Health 101 class every school (including medical school) needs to be teaching. Mental health is really brain health! 


Learn why your moldy college dorm, cookware, past concussions, and your sneakers could be negatively impacting your focus, motivation, mood, and memory


Gain new communication strategies for improving your relationships by understanding the vast differences in men vs. women's brains and natural biorhythms


Receive energy clearings and healing from the angelic realms with a certified Reiki practitioner. And learn how to raise your vibe instantly anywhere, anytime!


Understand the real reason that your brain health and vibrational frequency dictate your level of joy, connection, and success. Positive thinking doesn't work!


Reiki and quantum energy healing throughout the masterclass. You will receive energy clearing, healing, and activations from the quantum field.

What is Quantum Brain Health Coaching™?

Quantum Brain Health Coaching™ unites the metaphysical with neuroscience. A Quantum Brain Health Coach™ is certified in Brain Health Coaching, Brain Health Training, Ministry, Reiki, and Quantum Energy Healing.

A Quantum Brain Health Coach™ is a certified professional who combines principles from quantum healing, neuroscience, and masterful coaching to help clients optimize their brain function and overall well-being.

Fallon uses the F.A.L.L.O.N. method which focuses on Fun, Authenticity, Leadership, Living Your Soul Purpose, Openness, and Natural Solutions to co-create the life, home, and biz of your dreams. By peeling back the layers of protection placed there by the subconscious mind, we unravel the truth of who you are, why you're here, and how you can make your dreams a reality.

Reiki, brain rewiring exercises, a deep dive into holistic health, and guided meditations to meet your angels and guides are just a few of the things you'll be learning in this masterclass.

"I use the quantum brain lessons I learned in this masterclass daily. I feel prepared for anything life wants to throw at me!"

Diana L.

"I love Fallon's containers. Being in her energy helps me remember that miracles are possible every day."

Trish L.


Have you ever felt like something is missing in your life or biz? Like no matter how much "inner work" you are doing you are always behind where you think you should be?

Whether you already serving the world as a therapist, coach, or intuitive or you are new to all of this and are seeking never-before-heard guidance from a world expert, then the Quantum Brain Health Masterclass is definitely for you.

Fallon will help you tune out the world around you and break down your walls. Once you've gotten to know your unique brain and energetic frequency and tools to make them better, you will wake up every day knowing miracles are going to flow to you.


Unapologetically authentic, passionate, energetic, loyal, spirited, and ambitious. Fallon is a recovering people pleaser, workaholic, and codependent.

Fallon has helped nearly 14,000 clients heal through 1:1 coaching, family coaching, corporate wellness programs, and business coaching for over a decade all based on the life-changing brain health methodologies she teaches in this masterclass.

Your time, money, and energy are precious. This is why Fallon never recommends or teaches anything that she hasn't tried herself and found beneficial. Fallon was her own toughest client, knowing the pain of trying so many different things to remain stuck. In this masterclass, Fallon will give you clear insight into what modalities work and which ones don't.

Join her on a journey of self-love, self-compassion, and unapologetic confidence. These Quantum Brain Health protocols in the F.A.L.L.O.N. method will will not only change your life but future generations.

Fallon's mission? To create a world where dementia, cancer, autism, and autoimmune disorders are very rare diagnoses.

Start your healing journey today!

Join here



  • 3.5 hour masterclass with Fallon Jordan, the world's leading Certified Brain Health Coach and Founder of Quantum Brain Health Coaching™.
  • Lifetime access to the class and 100+ PPT slides
  • Access the Holistic Mental Health Toolbox so you can talk to anyone about safe, non-invasive options for overcoming mental health issues
  • Learn how to safely and legally talk to your clients about getting off medication
  • Master walking your clients through difficult conversations such as how estrogen prevents cancer, not causes it
  • A fast-track approach to receiving answers you haven't heard before regarding the future of brain health coaching 
  • Why you need to rethink brain health as dementia prevention AND cancer prevention
  • Feel confident selling and marketing yourself to your ideal client 
  • Acquire new skills as a health coach that you can monetize
  • Understand your own brain better so you can use your story and uniqueness to gain clients and visibility