#56 How Reiki Saved Her Life w/Ashe White

Do you have migraines or experience physical ailments when you're receiving divine downloads? You're not alone! Ashe and Fallon discuss the overlap between neurological problems and spiritual problems in this episode.

Fallon is joined by Reiki practitioner and founder of Ashecension Studios in Atlanta, Ashe White. Ashe shares her story of leaving corporate as a software engineer to find herself by healing herself first. Alongside shadow work and a life-changing Ayahuasca experience, Ashe embraced everything Reiki had to offer and she is now level 3 Reiki Certified.

Ashe's own experience as a Reiki recipient sparked a passion that led to achieving Reiki training, reflecting our unwavering commitment to personal growth and the power of healing. This journey of transformation fuels her mission to empower others. Specializing in Reiki and sound healing, Ashe create a deeply personalized and immersive experience through a unique fusion of intuitive Reiki, sound resonance healing, and personalized guidance. Utilizing Fibonacci tuning forks, sound bowls, and other instruments, Ashe guides her clients toward deep relaxation and self-discovery. For more information, please visit her website at ashecensionstudios.com

Upcoming in-person events with Ashe in Atlanta:  https://healinghandsreikiatl.org/

Fallon's website: https://www.fallonjordan.com/