A guide to empowering humans to have better brains so they can thrive in everyday life

Download the BRAIN CARE pdf here!

Fallon Jordan

Fallon is a transformation coach, intuitive guide, and healer. She is host of The Biz Alchemist podcast and founder of The Biz Alchemist consulting firm. She has worked with thousands of CEOs, founders, and professionals looking to optimize their potential by living their soul purpose. She helps passionate individuals birth the biz of their dreams while confidently navigating sales and marketing of their services and products. She incorporates her clients' unique magic by integrating their Human Design and Gene Keys into their businesses.

After an extensive battle with ADHD, depression, anxiety, and memory loss due to multiple concussions, trauma, and toxins, Fallon healed her brain while becoming the leading brain health trainer in the world at age 28. Fallon served Amen Clinics for ten years, consulting 15,000+ professionals in their sales and marketing strategy. Fallon remains the face of Amen Clinic's world-renowned Brain Health Licensed Trainer program.

Fallon birthed her coaching biz in 2021. As The Biz Alchemist, Fallon is able to fully access her marketing magic by combining her mastery of the energetics of money with her expertise in holistic health.

Fallon has earned a Bachelor’s in Psychology, and is a certified Irlen Syndrome screener, Usui Holy Fire Reiki Level II practitioner, Brain Health Coach & Licensed Corporate Trainer, and Functional Medicine Coach. 

2/5 Manifesting Generator in Human Design
Virgo Sun/Leo Moon/Scorpio Rising
Gene Keys 47, 22, 45, 26
Life Path 7

For fun, Fallon LOVES sunbathing, swimming, reading, comedy, and being around nature and animals as much as possible.