Understanding narcissistic soulmates vs. karmics
Sep 18, 2024
Are you an empath or highly sensitive person (HSP) who has been in a relationship with a narcissist?
Whether it be a boss, parent, lover, or perceived bestie, narcissism is on the rise. THIS is why I am so passionate about helping empaths and intuitives heal their trauma... by healing their past pain, empaths and intuitives will no longer subconsciously seek out the little sprinkles of validation from narcissists. Because once the first few sprinkles are lied out, the chase for the next validation can become extremely addictive.
This is also why I LOVE working with kids on their self-esteem, self-worth, and self-understanding through Human Design and psychic development. If all the empaths and intuitives are self-validated and living their soul purpose, the narcissists will have no one else to target except each other. Plus, by teaching kids how to look for the warning signs of a narcissist (love bombing, encouraging isolation from friends, slave/master energies) kids will be able to spot narcissists from a mile away and protect themselves.
If you are an empath or intuitive who continues to struggle with your self-worth, I see you. I was you. And so weren't thousands of my past clients. But with the right mentorship and energy healing modality, you can heal at 100% capacity and live the life of your dreams.
One of my favorite ways to help clients heal from narcissistic abuse is through energy healing obvi and teachings of higher truths.
You are worthy of divine partnership. You are deserving of admiration and adoration by a healthy boss, friend, or lover. Your unbreakable self-love makes you a genius in your own right. Balancing your Giving & Receiving is the key to the prosperity you seek.
One common misconception around narcissists, especially when it comes to romance, is the sometimes quick label of "soulmate" or "twin flame" thrown onto the narcissist to excuse their behavior. Have you ever confronted a friend who is being abused but looks at you with puppy-dog eyes and says, "but they're my soulmate! I love them!"
To be clear.. being a twin flame is extremely rare. This means that you literally share a soul with another person who WILL look almost exactly like you. A twin is meant to help you grow so meeting them in this lifetime is inevitable. However, being abused by a twin flame is highly unlikely.
Karmic connections are the least talked about when it comes to "soulmates." Why? Because too many people are making excuses, not taking responsibility for their actions-- because they're disconnected from their intuition and too afraid to set healthy boundaries.
example: you spend every Sunday dinner with your whole family- you, your partner, your kids, your parents, and your siblings, even though you dread going every week and you leave feeling depressed and exhausted. Your mother criticizes everything you say, makes hurtful comments about your (amazing, loving, supportive) partner, and your unemployed, alcoholic brother lives on your mother's pedestal. Why do we accept this behavior?
Karmic connections are something we all will experience in this lifetime and these are the people, places, and situations that hurt us most. For many of my clients, the narcissist in their life was their karmic connection. This means that your spirit guides are giving you an opportunity to say "NO!" to this person, place, or situation to learn a soul lesson. Oftentimes, you have been given this opportunity in many past lives and were unable to set the boundary or leave. These are the breakups or rejections that leave you in immense pain, emotional breakdown. These are the breakups or rejections that make you feel like you want to die. These are the breakups or rejections that make you question everything. And if the karmic is a narcissist, they will put energetic hooks and trackers on you so you are never free of them. It's up to you to remove these hooks/trackers safely in order to "get over them" and heal from the situation. (Karmic agreements can be with places or situations which is important to note. I had karmic agreements with the states of Maine and Virginia and after years of trauma therapy, energy healing was what finally removed these energetic hooks/trackers so I could feel free.)
This is why energy healing is SO important. I truly believe that "rejection is protection" but when you're rejected by a karmic, it is extremely painful. Hence why many people stay in toxic relationships with karmics because they think this person "is their soulmate and can change."
Soulmates are coming in and out of your life constantly. Even the person who complimented you at the grocery store that you'll never see again can be considered a "soulmate" because your soul-- your higher self-- orchestrated this divine meeting between the two of you. Soulmates give us opportunities to grow and heal yet they are less likely to cause major emotional distress, unlike karmics.
If you don't heal from a toxic karmic person, place, or situation, it WILL follow you throughout this lifetime and into future lifetimes until you learn the lesson. It's not good or bad, it's just part of soul journey growth. I was too afraid to say "NO" in over 30 past lives to the same 4 people! I decided this lifetime would be different no matter what.
I explain all of this to help you question what you perceive as "normal" and "abnormal" in relationships-- at work, at home, at the post office, at your kids' daycare center. It all comes down to self-love and trusting your intuition.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you truthfully LOVE yourself? How far would you go to protect yourself from harm? How much toxicity are you willing to let go in order to live your highest and best life?
It's time to stop giving away your power and procrastinating living your soul purpose. By setting the best example of self-love-- especially for kids and teens-- the age of Narcissist-Empath relationships will end.
The light is winning. Why do you think all this darkness is coming out on the world stage?
If you are wanting to strengthen your self-love and and intuition by healing your past patterns, now is the perfect time. The Full Moon we just had was all about karmic cycles ending-- specifically whatever was ailing you and society since 2008.
2008 was when the U.S. had a market crash... coincidence? Absolutely not.
The rest of 2024, 2025 and 2026 are going to give Light Workers countless opportunities to blast the rest of the world with healing and goodness. Will you join us?
I would love to mentor you 1:1 if you're ready to understand where your place in the world is as an empath and healer. You can check out my 1:1 offerings here or email me directly to schedule a free call together at [email protected]
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