How narcissists rope you in when you're an empath
Sep 19, 2024
Are you feeling the full moon energy from Tuesday the 17th? The changes in the energy are palpable as we embrace Pisces. Strength. Courage. Saying "NO" to people, places, and things that don't bring us immense joy and play. Redefining self-confidence.
This is the perfect time to reflect and celebrate how far you've come.. especially if you've walked away from a narcissist at some point in your life.
I remember the first "big" narcissist I dealt with and this story will resonate with my fellow people-pleasers and workaholics. At the time, I was ending my spring semester at The University of Maine, begging the universe to give me a decent summer job so I could make enough money to last me the school year. I had never made more than minimum wage at this point...
My college friend, H, invited me to check out her new oceanfront summer crash pad two hours south so I said "YES" simply for the road trip. At the time, my plan was to live in my bum college town with zero lucrative job opportunities while H lived on the beach making killer money waiting tables. I was beyond jelly. I begged and prayed again for the universe to answer my prayers for a CHANGE.
We got to the adorable beach town (one I had loved as a kid) and visited our other friend who was working as a bartender at a golf course. Talk about $$$$. There was one couple at the bar, B and K, and they overheard us talking about what we planned to do that summer and what we wished we could do that summer. As if K was hanging on every word, ready to pounce, she offered me and my friends all jobs at her high-end restaurant (that I didn't realize was famous-- famous for the food and famous for her bat-shit craziness). K promised to help find me somewhere to stay so I could change my plans. And she did. I was STUNNED that my prayer had been answered so quickly!
The catch? She needed me to work every day that summer. And when she said "every day" I didn't take that literally but she did. When we went over the summer schedule with the other servers, I was the only person on the schedule for every single day because "that's what I agreed to."
After three months of waiting tables every night, I finally broke down and asked for a day off-- two weeks in advance-- for my bestie's birthday. I was given the day off but K, the narcissistic boss, reminded me of it constantly the days leading up to it stating that "I was her laziest waitress in her twenty years in the business." I would say 'add the cackling laugh' only for dramatic effect but that was literally what happened.
The saddest part is that I truly thought that I was lazy. Like LEGIT felt like a piece of shit. I didn't enjoy my day off, I felt SO guilty the whole day. I know, right?! Absolutely crazy. Not to mention that I was also working a day job 4x/week cleaning AirBNBs that summer. A normal person would laugh at someone trying to tell you you were lazy for working that much! But because I allowed narcissistic energy into my field, I literally lost my sense of worth and most importantly, my sense of vitality.
I share all of this so you realize if something insane like this has happened to you, you're not alone and this doesn't have to be your story with work, business, self-worth, and money. While it took me many years after that back-breaking summer to REALLY understand boundaries and honor a healthy work-life balance, it was vital for my personal development as a healer, business coach, and channel.
The reason I have had so many interesting, intense life experiences is because I was always meant to serve YOU. By supporting you and the kids/grandkids/youngsters around you, I can ensure the Narcissist-Empath dynamic dies with our generation so high-vibe people can run businesses they're passionate about that HEAL the world from the inside out.
What happened to K, the narcissist restaurant owner? use your imagination.. it's far from a happy ending.
This is why business coaching is my FAVE as a clear channel and energy healer! Because businesses are only are strong as their weakest link-- and that means the lowest vibrational frequency. It doesn't matter who you are, how much money you have, or what you sell... only the light workers with thrive in the New Earth.
Don't get me wrong, I do have compassion for K. She clearly had a mental health disorder, showing up to the restaurant she owned greeting tables in the same clothes and smelling of BO for days on end... but that is also why God wanted me to know everything I could about holistic mental health and psychiatry.
Nothing is by accident. Nothing is coincidence. But it's time to claim your power NOW! It's time to grow new seeds that will not only bloom into gorgeous flowers, but will create entirely new energy fields that run on divine perfect love. Have you witnessed some unexplainably localized severe storms recently? THAT is Mother Earth and The Divine telling YOU it's time to claim the abundance and bliss that is yours. By birthright!
Also... please note... I had "begged" the universe for that restaurant job. BEGGED. That energy of desperation attracted a narcissist to me at record speed. This is why when we manifest, it's important to be excited but also not overly attached to the outcome. Are you currently suffocating a manifestation of desperation? It may be time for a big energy clearing.
If you're ready for a no BS style of mentorship where you are expected to SHOW UP for yourself like never before, I invite you to have a conversation with me about working together. A new technology is being channeled through me as we speak and I've been called to share this in 1:1 a container with someone who is truly READY to bring their innate gifts to light. Email me at [email protected] or DM me on Instagram @iamfallonjordan.
Remember, being "ready" isn't really "ready.". you're never truly ready-- that's why you're still stuck!
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