10 Ways to Attract Your Soulmate
Jun 18, 2024
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned as a client and coach is that we can manifest anything we want when we are a vibrational match for it. What’s meant for us will always find us no matter what. If you’re ready to meet your forever someone this summer, these 10 tips could help you do just that.
Let's dive into the 10 tips to becoming a vibrational energetic match for your ideal partner.
By clearing out old energy and making physical space for someone to come into your life, you are telling the universe that you are prioritizing divine partnership. A decluttered home leads to a decluttered mind; a decluttered mind allows for more miracles to flow in!
Once you have decluttered, be sure to have an empty nightstand, an empty section of the closet, an extra toothbrush, and fridge space. This tells the energy of your home that “we are expecting someone.” If you’re concerned about the energy of your home, use sage or palo alto to clear old or stagnant energy. Be intentional saying out loud, “I release all old energy and any energy that is holding me back from being a vibrational match for my soulmate to enter my life now.” Light a new candle that “smells like romance” to you and set an intention that the fire is a symbol of the passion you will experience with your divine life partner.
Perhaps having the first hour of the day to yourself is non-negotiable but you can cut back on TV at night. Perhaps you want a partner who likes going on nightly walks through the neighborhood. Prioritize your daily walks while imagining your partner walking beside you. Get into the feelings you would experience knowing the love of your life who completely adores you is walking alongside you underneath the stars.
Like REALLY looking at it! One of the biggest problems in marriages and romantic partnership is how both parties view and handle money. And they never want to talk about it. If Money was your ideal life partner, how would you treat them? How have you been treating Money? Does your relationship with Money need to be healed? How can you make Money feel loved, cared for, and appreciated like you would your partner? What conversations would be important to have knowing your needs and wants in this partnership are clear?
“I am so happy and so grateful that my ideal partner is in my life. They bring so much joy to my life!” Use this affirmation as often as you can. Sing the affirmations in the car! Dance to them while you cook! This helps your subconscious get into the energetic frequency of perfect divine love. Being a vibrational match for your partner is key to manifesting them into your life!
7. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable
No matter how much personal development and inner child healing you’ve done, your ideal romantic partner WILL trigger you from time to time. Relationships are where we learn our biggest lessons, consistently giving us opportunities to reflect, grow and transform into a better version of ourselves. Try something new and notice how it feels “scary but exciting” in your body. You are uncomfortable but noticing you’re uncomfortable. This gives you a chance to celebrate being uncomfortable! The more you feel comfortable being uncomfortable, the calmer your nervous system will be. Trying to attract a healthy life partner with a stressed-out nervous system is like building a house on a lop-sided foundation. This is why the divorce rate and unhappy marriage rates are so high- you have to love yourself first and self-love starts with a regulated nervous system.
To regulate your nervous system daily, especially as fears pop up before a date or during a vulnerable text convo with your new prospect. EFT (tapping) will help you clear past hurts so you aren’t entering the next relationship in Fear mode. EFT (tapping) helps your right and left brain communicate better by tapping on acupressure points.
9. Date Yourself
Often people want a partner to distract themselves from their loneliness and this leads to settling for someone who isn’t right for you. By dating yourself and really showing up as your authentic, confident self, your magnetism is turned WAY up! Your light brightens, your aura expands, making it easier for your ideal partner to “see” you. If you were your ideal partner and best friend, how would you be talking to them? How would you treat them? What types of dates would you go on? What restaurants would you go to? What would you wear? How would you show up? How often would you schedule a fancy date then stay in to make love? (Yes, I’m talking about masturbating. If you don’t know what you like in bed, how do you expect someone else to know?)
I have been helping thousands of people of all ages and backgrounds fall in love with themselves and their best lives by prioritizing their mental health. You are a gift unlike any other in the world and for that, you never need to settle for less than what you deserve in romance. These tips will not only help your ideal partner come into your life, these tips will help you remain deeply connected, nourished, and loved throughout your courtship due to the fact your are never sacrificing your desires for someone else.
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